After a 40 year career I have retired to writing and speaking on my favorite topics:
Motivating teams and individuals is no simple task - and it's complicated in a global firm or with multicultural teams.
Understanding how transformation actually works (whether spiritual or personal transformati
After a 40 year career I have retired to writing and speaking on my favorite topics:
Motivating teams and individuals is no simple task - and it's complicated in a global firm or with multicultural teams.
Understanding how transformation actually works (whether spiritual or personal transformation) requires more than just practice
Get in-depth presentations and training on subjects that make a difference and move the markers of performance.
With all that is happening around us, many people just want not to feel. But understanding our emotions and how they are created, provides a doorway into more deeply understanding our beliefs and thoughts; turning reactions into choices for new and different actions. Join me on a journey into emotional intelligence from a new and fresh look.
The transformation and human potential movement began nearly fifty years ago, yet most people still think it is something akin to either magic or fantasy. Typhoon Honey pulls back the curtain on how transformation really works. Starting with the physics and psychology that dictate our functioning, we explain how changes in one's way of be
The transformation and human potential movement began nearly fifty years ago, yet most people still think it is something akin to either magic or fantasy. Typhoon Honey pulls back the curtain on how transformation really works. Starting with the physics and psychology that dictate our functioning, we explain how changes in one's way of being can effect changes in our lives, our relationships and the outcomes we have the potential to produce.
Over the past several years I have created a series of podcasts with friends and colleagues (as well as a few solo topics) all in the area of emotional intelligence and creating the life of your dreams. Over the 28 sessions we discuss transformation, meaning-making, trauma, forgiveness and more.
Over his career, Kris has built alliances and partnerships around the globe, most of whom are still quite active in their careers. This provides Kris with a wealth of input on current issues and well as a stable of outstanding consultants and corporate leaders that can answer your questions and often provide solutions you might not otherwise access. More recently, Kris has provided training and mentoring to coaches. as well as speaking on several important topics such as the impact of AI on the coaching profession.
With over 35 years of professional coaching and consulting across four continents, Kris Girrell brings a wealth of experience to his writing and speaking engagements - including topics from his years of coaching and consulting to the latest in culturally attuned Emotional Intelligence and disruptive Artificial Intelligence. Leadership and emotions are both culturally and linguistically defined - what makes us laugh or motivates us in one country is not the same in another. Kris and his business partner Yuka are leaders in building cross-cultural awareness for global firms. They have been keynote speakers at the Globalization and Localization Association conference as well as training conferences in the US and Europe. Their discussion group on Translation Commons is curating the latest resources on leading, motivating and managing across cultures. Click the link below and join (it's free). Once you are a member go to the "Groups" section and click on "Leadership."
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Check out my latest books: LEARNING TO FEEL: One man's path to reconnecting with the heart of emotions, and TYPHOON HONEY: The Only Way Out Is Through. And coming later this year SPIRITUALLY HOMELESS.